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Egon Zehnder International hosts Chief Diversity Officer events

  • January 2012
  • 1 min read

Media, news and events


Egon Zehnder International hosts Chief Diversity Officer events

Diversity management is today no longer a fringe activity but a mainstream profession founded on best practices, processes and structures. Recent gatherings of Chief Diversity Officers organized by Egon Zehnder International in major cities around the world, including London and New York, illustrated the extent to which the topic has been embraced by public and private organizations in both developed and emerging economies. Discussions revealed that talented leaders from all backgrounds are now being appointed as CDOs, and not just human resources executives. According to participants, the role of the CDO is still evolving, with key challenges including prioritizing diversity activities. Among the critical success factors that emerged from discussions were establishing the CDO’s credibility within the organization, and the need for high-profile leaders to be seen to embrace the diversity agenda. In the opinion of many CDOs, the recruitment of diverse talent is an indicator of an organization’s capacity to achieve far-reaching and sustainable change.

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