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Creating a Sustainable Culture to Drive Company Performance

  • June 2015
  • 1 min read

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Forbes Magazine – Creating a Sustainable Culture to Drive Company Performance

With businesses increasingly realizing how company culture can directly impact and ultimately drive revenues and performance, many companies are embracing the importance of fostering trust and transparency throughout an organization. Olli Laurén, Leader of the Global Machinery & Industrial Technology segment of Egon Zehnder’s Industrial Practice, discussed with Forbes his recent research paper, “How Exceptional Companies Create a High Performance Culture.” He outlined the three core abilities organizations should possess to create a high performance culture: 1. The ability to stop and take a hard look in the mirror; 2. The ability to include all stakeholders in the conversation; 3. The ability to let go of the existing behaviors and practices that are no longer serving the organization’s success.

Full Story: Chris Cancialosi: How Exceptional Companies Create High Performance Cultures in Forbes (15 June 2015).
For further insights on the topic, please read Olli Laurén’s and Morten Tveit’s whitepaper on high performance cultures.

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