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Family business: planning for the long term

  • May 2015
  • 1 min read

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South China Morning Post – Family business: planning for the long term

Few family businesses outlive their founders. Those that do cultivate “family gravity” – an ethos, long-term roadmap and talent plan that embrace the next generation. Catherine Zhu, Managing Partner of Egon Zehnder in Hong Kong, makes this point in a recent column in the South China Morning Post. To give future leaders room to grow, she says, founders should pay attention to their own leadership style and encourage others to ask questions and take the initiative.

Full story: Catherine Zhu: Family firms need a common vision to survive across the generations a blog entry posted a blog entry posted on, the career supplement of the South China Morning Post (09 May 2015).
Read further columns of Catherine Zhu in the South China Morning Post .

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