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Financial Times – Boosting Diversity Relieves Pressure on Old Guard Boards

  • January 2016
  • 1 min read

Financial Times – Boosting Diversity Relieves Pressure on Old Guard Boards

With the limited pool of old-guard directors predicting burn-out within a couple of years, boards need to open up to new talent and spread responsibility across more shoulders, warns Stefan Stern in the Financial Times. How can boards become more sustainable and effective? A recent Egon Zehnder survey of 1,300 aviation industry executives highlights some successful approaches. The top-performing airlines surveyed employ a more diverse range of executives than their rivals as measured by several diversity criteria. Two of these airlines are led by women, but giving outsiders a chance is another way of varying the “leadership mix”, reveals the survey.

Full story: Stefan Stern: The old guard is in danger of burnout in the Financial Times (14 January 2016).

Access the full paper here: How Profit Flies on the Wings of Inclusion.

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