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La Tercera – Latin America Inc Needs to Tap More Female Talent

  • April 2016
  • 1 min read

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La Tercera – Latin America Inc Needs to Tap More Female Talent

Latin American companies are slowly bringing more women onto corporate boards, but still have a long way to go, reports La Tercera. Citing a recent Egon Zehnder study: "2016 Latin American Board Diversity Analysis", it notes that women held 6.5% of board seats in Latin America in 2015 versus 21.1% in Europe and 15.9% in the US and Canada. Co-author of the study and Egon Zehnder consultant Cristina Manterola believes that companies can do more to promote the balance between work and family and also advises them to introduce mentoring and coaching policies. In her view: “Failing to consider women for positions is a waste of talent.”

Full story: Constanza Morales: En Chile, solo el 8% de puestos directivos lo ocupan mujeres (“In Chile only 8% of board seats are occupied by women”) in La Tercera (2 April 2016).

Full study: 2016 Latin American Board Diversity Analyisis.

Related coverage:

Luis Garcia: Pocas mujeres integran las juntas directovas de empresas in América Latina (Few Women Make it Onto Executive Boards in Latin American Companies) in The Wall Street Journal (21 March 2016).

Latin America – Study reveals significant lag in leadership gender diversity in (4 April 2016).

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