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Andrew Roscoe

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Andrew Roscoe, based in London, is an active member of the firm’s Board Consulting and CEO practices. He previously led Egon Zehnder’s global Executive Assessment and Development Practice and continues to take the lead on identifying strong internal CEO succession candidates and helping them to fully develop their potential. After specializing for many years in the energy and industrial sectors, he now concentrates on CEO and Board succession and private-equity portfolio leadership across sectors. He is devoted to improving team performance and organizational effectiveness.

I love helping clients to fully tap their organization’s resources and potential by making better choices about people.

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Andrew worked in the corporate finance department of Cazenove & Co., where he mainly handled M&A transactions involving industrial and financial-service companies. He began his career in a nuclear research laboratory, then designed power plants before concentrating on strategy work in that sector.

Andrew earned a BSc in mechanical engineering from the University of Birmingham and an MBA from the London Business School. He is very devoted to his large family, which includes two dogs, and makes an effort to stay in touch with friends and relatives. Andrew also enjoys long-distance cycling; recently he completed a trip across Europe in support of a children’s charity.

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