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Leaders & Daughters: Exploring Leadership Identities

  • September 2024
  • 3 mins read

Egon Zehnder in São Paulo celebrated, on September 3rd, another edition of the Leaders & Daughters event. Our gathering provided a deep dive into the theme of Leadership Identities—a dynamic process of self-discovery and continuous transformation. 

We had the honor of hearing from Neca Setubal, Chair of the Tide Setubal Foundation; Luiza Bet, Co-Founder of Kuri Saúde; and Luiza Vilanova, CEO & Founder of Tocando em Frente.
During the conversations, these inspiring speakers revealed profound insights about their life journeys. These were accounts that deeply moved us, and a central message resonated strongly during the meeting: courageous leadership is one that embraces humanity, allows itself to experiment and make mistakes, and is guided by solid values. These combined forces enable leaders to face and embrace high-impact missions.

On a night filled with many insights and remarkable statements, Neca Setubal’s firm and optimistic words stayed with us: “Ethics, social justice, and a better world are values that have always guided me. Another thing was the desire to make a difference and believe that it will work out.” Neca also spoke to the younger generation of women about the future. “We are going to build a new paradigm of femininity to change the world. This change will be fundamental, with men as allies.”

Luiza Bet encouraged young leaders to never lose the desire to question. “I had this spark, this courage to listen to what I want, to listen to what motivates me. To follow my own paths without fear of experimenting or failing. Making mistakes is part of the process.” Luiza Vilanova highlighted the value of intergenerational connection to reflect on her journey of identity as a leader. “It is necessary to believe in the power of intergenerational dialogue, and trust the process, enjoy the process. Understand that things will happen in their own time. The tranquility of choices comes from a special place.”

Among so many learnings and reflections, some themes stood out for everyone: 

  • Aligning the “Desire to Make a Difference” with “Values and Purpose”: Leadership identity is shaped through intentional self-knowledge work. In this process, leaders reflect on the values and purpose that guide them, thus establishing a foundation of strength to navigate challenging and uncertain times. This purpose becomes more tangible when it evolves from “a beautiful phrase” to an image or scene of the future to be built. Additionally, the purpose can also be ambitious to make a difference in the world when supported by solid values. 

  • Embracing Mistakes as Part of Growth: Leadership identity is also shaped by the external context and the challenges that surround us. When facing challenges, the desire to succeed and meet expectations often speaks loudly and can end up inhibiting the trial-and-error process. We encourage young leaders to embark on this “Hero’s (or Heroine’s) Journey” with openness to learning. In the process of becoming a leader, protagonism comes through courage and determination in the face of challenges, reinterpreting detours as springboards for new achievements. For it is in the adventure of the journey that the traveler discovers the world and self-discovers, strengthens, and builds their identity. 

  • The Power of Mentors: Our professional relationships play an important role in shaping our leadership identity. The presence of a mentor who generously shares their experience and knowledge is vital to paving a growth path in leadership. Parents, family members, and executives offer a valuable external perspective that decisively contributes to the formation and evolutionary accompaniment of professionals preparing to lead major missions. The ability to see the world from different perspectives can be profoundly enriching and decisive for success. 

  • Human Leadership as the Basis for Success: For both self-discovery and personal transformation, as well as achieving great results, we need to be in collaboration with others. Leaders who genuinely and empathetically connect with the people around them multiply their positive impact on organizations. By opening space for vulnerable dialogues, embracing the learning process, and seeing humanity—the leader creates spaces for innovation and organizational transformations that allow for even greater leaps.

Reinforcing our purpose of leadership for a better world, we hope that Leaders & Daughters has further inspired the new generation of leaders and that these messages and learnings resonate beyond this meeting, reverberating in both personal and professional spheres throughout their journeys.

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