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Content related to CEO

Lessons on Succession Planning for Shareholders and Founders

Succession planning key insights that can make a significant impact when leading a new executive to the top of the organization.

CEOs Say They Are Ready to Lead Beyond Business

Egon Zehnder’s 2024 survey reveals that a majority of chief executives feel a responsibility to help solve societal problems

The Urgent Call For More Human Leaders

In a global study, Egon Zehnder found that 80% of CEOs now feel the need to embark on a "dual journey" of personal and organizational transformation, highlighting a growing trend in leadership development towards deeper, more "human" capacities.

Executive Succession Planning Template & Guidance

When it comes to executive succession, having support is key. Utilize our succession planning template as a first step, and seek help if you need more support.

Taking a ‘human-centric' approach to hiring a non-family CEO

Egon Zehnder's Heather O'Keefe and Jason Hecker on the most overlooked step in CEO recruitment: stakeholder management.

Best Practices in CEO Succession Planning in Academic Medical Centers

Our analysis highlights a significant opportunity for AMCs to enhance their long-term CEO succession planning and talent development efforts. Adopting a multi-path approach that emphasizes long-term growth will help ensure leadership stability and continuity.

What Makes an Ideal Private Equity CFO?

Curious what capabilities a private equity CFO should possess? In this blog, we cover the skills and competencies of your next private equity CFO hire. Read on.

When to Trigger a CEO Succession

Highly effective boards ensure that succession planning never stops being a priority. It isn’t personal, it’s simply best practice.

The Best CEO Successions Start Early and Dig Deep

Our global analysis of the Business Services industry reveals that while experience and track record are key, early preparation is even better.

What We Know Now: CPG CEOs Share at the Consumer Goods Forum

Egon Zehnder was proud to participate in this month’s 2024 Consumer Goods Forum in Chicago. Sarah Van Dyck, co-leader of Egon Zehnder’s Global Consumer Practice, moderated an exciting and informative panel, Leading through Complexity.

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