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Egon Zehnder Opens New Office in Dublin

  • September 2022
  • 2 mins read

ZURICH, September 15, 2022 —  Egon Zehnder, the world’s preeminent leadership advisory firm, today announced the opening of a new office in Dublin, Ireland. The Dublin location marks Egon Zehnder’s 63rd global office, now across 36 countries. 
“While we’ve served clients in Ireland for more than 20 years, this deepening of our commitment strengthens our presence in Ireland, so we can advise more organizations through their executive search and leadership advisory needs,” said Ed Camara, Egon Zehnder CEO. “The business community in Dublin is energetic and innovative—a perfect fit for our culture and offerings.”

Under the leadership of Andrew Roscoe and Senior Advisor Karl Croke, the Dublin office opening also introduces two new consultants to the Firm. Both Fintan McGovern, who was most recently founder, CEO, and COO of three tech companies and Aine (Cuddihy) Flanagan, a fintech and gaming industry executive, join the team in Dublin. “Consulting with our local clients, Fintan and Aine will bring seamless collaboration across geographies, industries, and functions to every engagement. We are delighted to welcome them to Egon Zehnder,” said Roscoe. 

About Egon Zehnder

Founded in 1964, Egon Zehnder is the world’s preeminent leadership advisory firm, inspiring leaders to navigate complex questions with human answers. We partner closely with public and private corporations, family-owned enterprises, and non-profit and government agencies to provide a comprehensive range of integrated services, including executive search, leadership solutions, CEO search and succession, board advisory and diversity, equity & inclusion. Our leadership solutions cover individual, team and organizational effectiveness, development and cultural transformation. 

For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter

Media Contacts

Jill Cockerham, Washington, D.C.
Head of US Marketing & Communications | T: +1 202 7741310

Martin Klusmann, Berlin
Global Marketing Co-Lead | T: +49 30 32 79 55 97

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