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Human Resources

Wharton Business Radio — Human Resource Secrets

  • June 2019
  • 1 min read

Benito Cachinero joins Wharton Business Radio's "In the Workplace with Peter Cappelli and Dan O'Meara" to discuss how leaders successfully run their large companies, from day-to-day responsibilities to developing an overarching human capital strategy. He answers four key questions for business leaders:

  1. Do I have the support from my employees, and how do I get it?

  2. What capabilities must be in place for an organization to succeed?

  3. What are the characteristics I should look for in potential long-term leaders?

  4. How can I close the "knowing-doing gap" between markets?


Listen to the full interview below:



This interview originally appeared on Wharton Business Radio. Listen to the original interview here.

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