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London Women on Industrial Boards: Summer 2019

Hosted by Melody Meyer and Egon Zehnder, 11 board directors joined us for our third dinner for women on industrial boards. The topics spanned across ESG, diversity, and the differences between UK and US boards.

Below highlight four major themes discussed regarding industrial boards:

1. Gender Diversity

While the number of women on boards is increasing, are we losing our strongest executive talent too early? We certainly are in transition between some women 'going plural' and seeing the next generation rise up.


2. United States vs. United Kingdom Boards


3. Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG)

Do we have a greater responsibility as women on boards to advance the ESG agenda? Organizations like Chapter Zero and B-Corp are giving NEDs a language and equipping them better to explain about ESG issues. The conversation around sustainability is often led by females. Why?

"I'm deeply optimistic about the young people coming into the workforce--and wanting to change it."

4. Our Thoughts Moving Forward

We need women and men to be thinking bigger about their role in articulating - and promoting - solutions to these issues.


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