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Sole24 Ore – It’s Time to Rethink Leadership and CEOs Know It

The upheaval of COVID-19 has caused many CEOs to reach a new level of self-awareness. As a result, most CEOs believe it is now essential to review their leadership style, according to Egon Zehnder research quoted in Italian daily newspaper Il Sole24 Ore.

Le Temps – CEOs Need to Look Inward

Today’s business leaders need to reinvent themselves more than their companies, reveals an Egon Zehnder survey of 972 CEOs worldwide, including 100 in Switzerland, as quoted in Swiss French-language daily newspaper Le Temps.

In Memoriam

It is with deep sadness that we share that our CDIO and ExCo member Robbert Kuppens has passed away.

Automobilwoche – Supercharger Talentmanagement: Wie Unternehmen erfolgreich Talente beim Hochlauf der Elektromobilität gewinnen

Immer mehr Elektroautos drängen auf Europas Straßen. Die Produktionskapazitäten für Batteriezellen werden entsprechend hochgefahren – das Problem: Es fehlt an Talenten in diesem hoch spezialisierten Forschungs- und Fertigungsbereich.

The Former and Current Chairs of Mastercard on Executing a Strategic CEO Succession

How Egon Zehnder supported Mastercard’s CEO succession planning

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