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Harvard Business Review - The Former and Current Chairs of Mastercard on Executing a Strategic CEO Succession

Our work with Mastercard on their strategic CEO Succession

  • March 2021
  • 1 min read

Our recent CEO succession work with Mastercard is featured in Harvard Business Review. The article describes our multi-year approach with immersive development plans for the internal candidates which not only resulted in more options for the board but also helped retain top talent in the organization after the new CEO was appointed.

Throughout the process, the full board was engaged and active at every step – learning about and spending time with each of the finalist candidates. Ultimately, both the board and the candidates were confident in the selection decision. 

Click here to read the full article.


Full story: The Former and Current Chairs of Mastercard on Executive a Strategic CEO Succession. Harvard Business Review (March - April 2021)

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